Philadelphia Hails the Launch of PhillyMatch – A Psychometric Matching Singles Website Focused Specifically on the Philadelphia Area and Currently Provided Completely Free and Without Ads

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Philadelphia Hails the Launch of PhillyMatch – A Psychometric Matching Singles Website Focused Specifically on the Philadelphia Area and Currently Provided Completely Free and Without Ads 3

PhillyMatch is setting a new standard in Online Dating by not using the same multiple fee structure as other dating sites with features designed to increase profits.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 9, 2024, Online Dating sites often start out by stating their intention to place members first and above the hard-driving profit motives. What usually happens over a short period of time is that they all morph into profit driven enterprises with little regard for the member’s wellbeing.

It doesn’t have to be that way, and when Tyler Moore founded, he structured it in such a way that its members will never have to pay exorbitant fees with a menu of extra charges for services that should be free.

Tyler Moore is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and a psychometrician with the ability to provide Attitude & Personality based matching suggestions to facilitate long-lasting relationships, some romantic, some platonic.

He made sure that PhillyMatch will not be selling tiered memberships, or the ability to send “gifts” or “pings”, the ability to “boost” profiles, etc. These features result in users competing with each other, especially the men, by pouring more and more money into the site/app. This is great for the company’s investors, and terrible for the users.

PhillyMatch is a pure social and dating platform exclusive to Philadelphia and its surrounding areas. Its unique psychometric matching algorithm uses 172 questions to assess users’ attitudes, preferences, and personality traits. Unlike other dating apps and websites, there are no added fees for features like “gifts” or profile “boosts.” Ultimately, PhillyMatch’s goal is to facilitate meaningful connections between individuals seeking compatible partners, and sometimes friendships, that will endure over time.

PhillyMatch is different in that it doesn’t gain from user-user competition or keeping users on the app as long as possible. PhillyMatch has a clear and simple agenda: show users who is most likely to be compatible with them and provide the means to make contact. A second advantage of PhillyMatch is that its focus on a specific geographic area allows the site’s moderators to easily detect fake profiles and illegal activities. Other matching sites have trouble with this because users are joining from all over the world, and a large portion of the profiles are fake.

PhillyMatch’s Founder, Tyler Moore is a professional psychometrician with 15 years of experience measuring individuals’ personality, intelligence, and mental health. He is also a full-time Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at an Ivy League school. During a recent interview, Tyler commented, “When I noticed one of the largest online dating websites (and my previous favorite) switched from a psychometrics-first model to a profit-first model, I decided it was time to enter this realm and start providing the service myself. I used what I’ve learned over the years to develop PhillyMatch’s algorithm, and I’m convinced it will outperform any existing algorithm available, including those currently deployed internationally.” focuses on one geographic area, Philadelphia, to allow easier detection of fake profiles and illegal activities, plan events and promotions most relevant to the Philadelphia area, and establish an online culture in which the central purpose is to meet in person as quickly as possible (no long, drawn-out online relationships). is completely free and includes no advertisements. When it does begin to charge for service, anticipated February 2025, the goal will be to run “at cost”, meaning the gross income will be only enough to pay for the website itself and reasonable employee salaries. will never be publicly owned, meaning a profit imperative will never influence how it is managed.

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Philadelphia Hails the Launch of PhillyMatch – A Psychometric Matching Singles Website Focused Specifically on the Philadelphia Area and Currently Provided Completely Free and Without Ads 4