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5,600,000 liters of beer were consumed at Oktoberfest in 2022, but what about 2023?


If you have even the faintest interest in beer, you’ll know that brew lovers from around the world gather each year in Munich, Germany to celebrate Oktoberfest. 

The 16-18 day drink fest, depending on the year, serves only beers that conform to German purity regulations (the Reinheitsgebot) and are brewed within the city limits of Munich.

If you aren’t lucky enough to make it to the Bavarian capital, don’t worry. There are plenty of Oktoberfest events in the U.S. where you can raise a pint. 


But Germany’s original fest is a bucket list item for many.

Read on to learn just how massive it is and as they say in Munich, Prost. 

Oktoberfest is a multi-day celebration in Munich, Germany. (Johannes Simon/Getty Images)

  1. The first Oktoberfest was in 1810
  2. In 2022, 5.6 million liters of beer were poured at Oktoberfest
  3. Oktoberfest is not really in October
  4. Beer is made specifically for Oktoberfest
  5. Over 4,000 items wind up in the lost and found each year
  6. Only beer from six breweries are sold
  7. Thousands squeeze into Oktoberfest beer tents
  8. There is plenty of food at Oktoberfest
  9. The mayor drinks first

1. The first Oktoberfest was in 1810

In 1810, the very first Oktoberfest took place in Munich, Germany, but it was not the beer fest it is today. 

The first Oktoberfest in 1810 was actually to honor Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig’s marriage to Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen. 

Residents across Munich were invited to attend the event, 

2. In 2022, 5.6 million liters of beer were poured at Oktoberfest

If you’re wondering how much beer is consumed by the six million people that attend Oktoberfest each year — it’s a lot.

To be precise, in 2022, it was 5.6 million liters of beer, according to Statista. 

In 2019, it was 7.3 million liters; and in 2018 it was 7.5 million liters. 

In 2014, Oktoberfest saw a record-breaking year with 7.7 million liters poured.


It’s unclear exactly how many liters of beer will be poured at Oktoberfest in 2023, but it’s clear millions and millions are expected to be consumed. In 2022, there was a clear decline in poured beer at Oktoberfest, in fact, it saw the lowest number of pints served since 2001.

Man spilling beer

There are over 1.8 million gallons of beer consumed by Oktoberfest visitors each year. (Philipp Guelland/Getty Images)

3. Oktoberfest is not really in October

Well, kind of. Oktoberfest primarily occurs in September. The exact dates of the event vary slightly depending on the year, but it typically starts around Sept. 15 and runs just a couple of days in October, usually ending around the third.

4. Beer is made specifically for Oktoberfest

The beer served at Oktoberfest is made exclusively for the festival. All the beers have around 6% ABV and are served in one liter mugs.


5. Over 4,000 items wind up in the lost and found each year

At Oktoberfest, with so many in and out of the festival, it’s expected there will be items life behind.

Beer at Oktoberfest

Six breweries serve beer at Oktoberfest. (Johannes Simon/Getty Images)

Each year, thousands of people leave behind the usual, wallets, keys, IDs and sunglasses. 

Among the stranger items that have been left behind year after year are wheelchairs and dentures.

6. Only beer from six breweries are sold

The only beer that is sold at Oktoberfest is beer brewed within the city limits. 

There are six breweries to sell their beer at the event. 

The six beers sold at Oktoberfest come from Hacker Pschorr, Spaten, Hofbräu, Augustiner, Paulaner and Löwenbräu.

7. Thousands squeeze into Oktoberfest beer tents

Beer mugs at Oktoberfest

Beer at Oktoberfest is sold in large liter glasses. (iStock)

At Oktoberfest, there’s a lot of standing, as there are fewer seats than there are visitors. The largest Oktoberfest beer tent of all time was the Pschorr-Brau-Rosl-tent in 1913, which held 12,000 people. Today, the Hofbrau-Festhalle hosts the largest tent, with 10,000 seats. But you better get there early.


These tents fill up fast, but reservations can be made to secure your seat.

8. There is plenty of food at Oktoberfest

There is a variety of traditional, hearty fare to be had at Oktoberfest. 

Offerings include Hendl (roast chicken), Schweinsbraten (roast pork), Haxn (pork knuckle), Steckerlfisch (grilled fish on a stick), Wurstl (sausages), Brezn (pretzel), Knodeln (potato or bread dumplings), Kaasspotzn (cheese noodles), Reiberdatschi (potato pancakes), Sauerkraut or Rotkraut (pickled red cabbage), Obatzda (a fatty, spiced cheese-butter concoction) and Weisswurst (white sausage).

9. The mayor drinks first

A beer tent at Oktoberfest

Beer tents at Oktoberfest hold thousands of guests at a time and fill up quickly. (Johannes Simon/Getty Images)

Oktoberfest can not officially begin until the major opens the first keg. 


The festival officially begins with the mayor saying “O’ zapft” and popping open the first keg of the event during the ceremony on the first day. 

After this, the drinking begins.

Overcome your fear of flying with these calming tips


It’s an opportunity most people take for granted: the ability to book a plane ticket, board a flight and enjoy a vacation without being plagued by a fear of flying.

For trips of long distances, flying is typically the ideal way to go — but a fear of flying could leave you staying behind while others are making memories.

When traveling, the journey is half the battle.


And if you find yourself filled with nervousness during a flight, or are passing up on trips completely to avoid having to set foot on a plane, here are tips that can help give you the confidence to fly to any destination. 

A fear of flying can greatly impact a vacation. Try some wise tips to reach a place of comfort with flying.  (iStock)

  1. Meet the pilot before takeoff
  2. Focus on different objects
  3. Bring things to distract yourself while in flight
  4. Spend the flight asleep
  5. Be strategic with seat choice
  6. Learn about the aircraft
  7. Put trust in your travel buddy

1. Meet the pilot before takeoff

Captain Tom Bunn, a retired pilot and licensed therapist, established SOAR, a program aimed at helping everyone fly successfully, in 1982. He’s since assisted thousands of people as they conquer their fear. 

Bunn said there is a series of steps he works on with his clients. He encourages them to first try to meet the pilot when boarding.

“Giving up control is a major issue, and if you can meet the person that has the control, it’s kind of like then you have a kinship with the person who does have the control,” Bunn said. “You find out they’re real — not just a voice.”

Airplane cockpit

Sharing a short exchange with the pilot pre-flight can help you feel better about the experience, said one expert. (iStock)

2. Focus on different objects 

Focusing on your breathing with different meditation techniques is another way to calm the nerves.

There is a specific exercise that Bunn encourages clients to practice to lower stress hormones once they build up. 

“It’s an exercise I call ‘5, 4, 3, 2, 1,’” Bunn said. “You will first find something to focus on more or less straight ahead and use that as your focus point.”


Count five things you can see, hear and touch, said the captain. Then, count to four things you can see, hear and touch — and so on down until you get to one.

“It takes about two minutes and by the time you do that — the stress hormones are pretty much gone, maybe totally gone,” Bunn said. 

“And the particular thing about stress hormones is that when they’re kicking around, it forces you to focus on something that’s problematic. So if you keep focusing on it, you increase stress hormones. But if you can get rid of the stress hormones by using the ‘5, 4, 3, 2, 1’ — then your mind is free to focus where you want to.”

A young boy watching a movie on a plane

If you like watching movies or TV shows to pass the time, bring a device on the plane that allows you to do so. Some planes have built in TVs in the backs of each chair. Either way, make sure you bring along compatible headphones. (Zhang Peng/LightRocket via Getty Images)

3. Bring things to distract yourself during the flight 

Being distracted can help you forget that you are even on a plane. Bring things with you on the plane that you know you will enjoy and can spend a lot of time using. 

For example, if there are movies or TV shows you have been wanting to watch, download them to your phone or other electronic device so that they are ready to go when you’re on the plane. This can kill a lot of time during the flight. Just make sure to pack yourself headphones, too!


Books are another great thing to bring on flights, as well as crosswords and coloring books. 

If you are traveling with someone else, you could also bring a card game to play together. 

4. Spend the flight asleep 

Falling asleep on a plane can be really difficult, especially if you are feeling anxious, but there are different things you can bring to make it easier to fall asleep. 

First, one thing that makes sleeping on a plane easier is if you have a flight really early in the morning or late at night. At these times, you’ll both be more tired and the plane will be darker, making it easier to fall asleep. 

A mother and daughter asleep on a plane

Get some sleep on your flight. Just be careful not to accidently fall asleep on other passengers. (Tim Clayton/Corbis via Getty Images)

Also, bring a travel pillow and a blanket with you for extra comfort. 

If you have headphones handy, you can also play calming sounds on your phone to help you fall asleep. 

5. Be strategic with seat choice 

Book your flight early, before the seats start to fill, so you can choose a seat that may help you put your mind at ease. 

If you sit toward the back of the plane, that area is typically going to be louder, and there’s going to be a lot more movement with people passing you to use the bathroom. 

On the other hand, if you sit in the front sections, it will generally be a lot more peaceful and more quiet.

6. Learn about the aircraft

Taking time to do research about planes before getting on one can help you be more confident for your flight. 

Look into how planes function and the safety features that are in place. This basic understanding of aircraft could make a big difference for you during your travels and help you feel safer when you are in the air. 

Three Jet Blue airplanes

Familiarizing yourself with planes and how they work could help you feel better during the flight. (Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

When it comes to the stats, there is a very small chance of a plane crash happening. The chances of dying in a crash are actually about one in 11 million, according to many sources. 

Another scary factor often involved with flying is turbulence. When turbulence occurs, depending on its severity, it can sometimes make for a scary and bumpy ride. 


Understanding what turbulence is can put your mind at ease. Turbulence happens when there is some sort of change in the air movement around the plane. Most of the time, a little turbulence is no big deal and very common during a flight. 

Finding the answers to questions you have about planes can help you feel a lot better about flying, once you know the statistics and have a general understanding of how things work. 

7. Put trust in your travel buddy

If you are traveling with someone else, lean on that person for extra support. 


Before your trip, let the person know about your fears and if there are things that you know help you, share these things with your travel party, so they know what to do if you get anxious. 

Also, just having someone else there that you are comfortable with can provide a calming presence for you. 

Kimber Crandall contributed reporting.