10 ways to reduce premature skin aging


Our skin ages due to a variety of factors. There are some things we can’t change, while there are others we can. The aging process is one thing that we cannot stop. It has a crucial role. We all develop observable facial lines over time. Our faces naturally lose some of their youthful fullness as we age. We realize that our skin is getting drier and thinner. These modifications mostly depend on our genes. In medicine, this process of aging is referred to as “intrinsic aging.

Another sort of aging that impacts our skin is one that we can control. Our environment and lifestyle choices can speed up the aging process of our skin. This sort of aging is referred to in medicine as “extrinsic aging.” We can lessen the effects that this form of aging has on our skin by taking some preventive measures.

10 Ways To Stop Premature Skin Aging

Our skin ages prematurely due in large part to the sun. Our skin can age more quickly than it would normally by doing other things. Dermatologists provide their patients the following advice to assist them avoid early skin aging.

  1. Protect your skin from the sun every day

Sun protection is necessary whether you’re running errands or spending the day at the beach. Seek out shade, wear sun-protective clothes, such as a light, long-sleeved shirt, slacks, a wide-brimmed hat, and UV-protective sunglasses, and use sunscreen that is broad-spectrum, SPF 30 (or greater), and water-resistant to protect your skin. Every day, you should put sunscreen on any exposed skin that isn’t covered by clothing. Look for garments with an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) marking for more effective protection.

  1. Apply self-tanner rather than get a tan

Your skin ages faster each time you acquire a tan. This is accurate whether you tan outdoors, in a tanning bed, or with other indoor tanning tools. All of them give off dangerous UV rays that quicken the aging process of your skin.

  1. If you smoke, stop

Smoking dramatically hastens the aging process of the skin. It results in crow’s feet and a lifeless complexion.

  1. Avoid repetitive facial expressions

The underlying muscles are tightened as you make a facial expression. These lines become permanent if you tense the same muscles repeatedly over a long period of time. Squinting lines can be lessened by wearing sunglasses.

  1. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet

According to the results of a few studies, eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables may help avoid the harm that causes early skin aging. Research findings also point to the possibility that a diet high in sugar or other refined carbs may hasten aging.

  1. Drink less alcohol

Alcohol causes skin irritation. The skin becomes dehydrated as a result, eventually causing injury. This may age us more noticeably.

  1. Exercise most days of the week

Results from a few research indicate that light exercise can increase immunity and enhance circulation. The skin may then appear more youthful as a result of this.

  1. Cleanse your skin gently

Cleaning your skin with a scrubber can irritate it. Skin aging is accelerated by irritation. Gentle washing helps to remove pollution, makeup, and other substances without irritating your skin.

  1. Wash your face twice a day and after sweating heavily

You should immediately cleanse your skin after sweating since perspiration irritates the skin, especially when wearing a hat or helmet.

  1. Stop using skin care products that sting or burn

It suggests your skin is irritated when it burns or stings. Skin irritation can make it appear older.

Note – Some dermatologist-recommended anti-aging creams may hurt or burn. This can be acceptable if you’re utilizing a prescription anti-aging product. Just be certain to inform your dermatologist.

Making lifestyle adjustments can be advantageous for anyone, even those who currently exhibit premature skin aging symptoms. You offer your skin a chance to partially repair the damage by protecting it from the sun. When smokers quit, their skin frequently looks better.