AJ Crabill Announces Release of The Second Edition of His New Book – “Great on Their Behalf: Why School Boards Fail, How Yours Can Become Effective”


Step by step, the exercises in this book inspire board members to adopt a student-outcomes-focused mindset as they reevaluate their impact on those they serve. It challenges them to explore effective ways to focus on what students need. Then, it provides the necessary knowledge and skills for school boards to empower their students for success.

Austin, Texas, February 20, 2024, Even before the Pandemic, school boards across America needed support. School systems nationwide are struggling to excel as they lurch from crisis to crisis – teacher shortages, school shootings, high turnover rates, weak discipline systems, and more. These things can pull the focus of school boards away from why school systems exist: to educate students.

Great on Their Behalf is a practical guide to igniting the transformation of school boards and enabling them to create the conditions for improving what students know and are able to do. Step by step, the exercises in this book inspire board members to adopt a student-outcomes-focused mindset as they reevaluate their impact on those they serve.

It challenges them to explore effective ways to focus on what students need. Then, it provides the necessary knowledge and skills for school boards to empower their students for success.

The book is out now and is available as audiobook, eBook, paperback, and hardcover.

Praise for the Book

Reader Testimonials always tell the story. Take a look at what Elisa Hoffman, Founder and Executive Director of School Board School and former board member of the Cincinnati (Ohio) Public Schools, has to say, “AJ Crabill is the authority on building effective school boards. I met Mr. Crabill when I was an elected school board member, and he revolutionized my thinking on both my role as an individual school board member and how to work as a collective board toward improving student outcomes. This book is the guide I wish I had when I was a school board member, and it should be required reading for each of the more than 90,000 school board members serving students throughout our country.”

Donna Bahorich, Texas State Board of Education, former Board Chair, had this to say, “Anyone with a real heart to serve students well on a local school board will find this book compelling and propelling. It makes crystal clear why we have been blind to the need and asleep at the wheel in school district after school district across the country.”

About the Author

During a recent interview, Crabill made these comments, “Student outcomes don’t change until adult behaviors change. Our intention is to transition the behavior of the nation’s school boards from being adult inputs focused to becoming student outcomes focused.”

Improving student outcomes is Author Airick Journey (AJ) Crabill’s focus. He currently serves as the National Director of Governance at the Council of the Great City Schools in Washington, DC, as Senior Coach at EffectiveSchoolBoards.com, and as Education Faculty at the Leadership Institute of Nevada. Until recently, Crabill served as Conservator at DeSoto, Texas, Independent School District. During his guidance, DeSoto made double digit literacy gains and improved from having F ratings in areas of academics, finance, and governance to the district earning B ratings.

Crabill served as Deputy Commissioner at the Texas Education Agency and, as Board Chair of Kansas City Public Schools, spearheaded reforms that doubled the percentage of literate and numerate students. Crabill is a recipient of the Education Commission of the State’s James Bryant Conant Award.

For complete information, visit:  https://EffectiveSchoolBoards.com/

Media Contact:

AJ Crabill
Attn: Media Relations
Austin, Texas

AJ Crabill Announces Release of The Second Edition of His New Book – “Great on Their Behalf: Why School Boards Fail, How Yours Can Become Effective” 2