Biden Unleashes Absolutely Vicious Joke At Trump’s Expense


President Joe Biden mocked Donald Trump’s financial struggles during a reception at a campaign event in Dallas on Wednesday.

“Just the other day a defeated-looking man came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, I have crushing debt, and I’m completely wiped out,’” Biden said. “And I had to look at him and say, ‘Donald, I’m sorry. I can’t help you.’”

Trump this week filed a statement in court saying he’s been rejected by 30 companies as he seeks to pay off his $464 million bond from his fraud case. New York Attorney General Letitia James is already moving to seize his assets if he is unable to pay by Monday’s deadline.

This comes weeks after he posted a $92 million bond to appeal his loss in a defamation case.

There’s no audio or footage of Biden’s remarks at the private event, but a White House transcript of the event includes the crack as well as dozens of other references to the former president.

Biden also used the line at the Gridiron Club dinner on Saturday night, an event known for jokes and humorous skits.