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10 easy ways to help launch a successful online shop


If you ever wanted to launch an online shop, but you’re not quite sure where to start, I get it. With all the website platforms that exist out there, it can feel rather daunting. 

But whether you’re looking to start a side hustle or finally begin that passion project after retiring, I want you to understand how someone with no prior experience can easily create their own online presence. 

I’m here to help you launch a successful online site – like a shop, for example – one step at a time.


woman on laptop

A woman working on her laptop (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

How to set up your online shop: A beginner’s guide

There are many website builders available, like Squarespace, Shopify, WordPress and Wix, but only a few specialize in online selling. Among those, even fewer make it easy to design, publish, manage your shop and handle all the in-between tasks on one platform without needing to integrate other services. Here’s how you can do it in this step-by-step guide.

1. Create your online storefront

Your website design plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining customers. Although it’s often said not to judge a book by its cover, many of us naturally do. Consider the intersection of form and function, how structure and design elements guide shoppers through their buying journey. If design isn’t your strong suit, many website builders offer a variety of e-commerce templates to choose from.


Here are some tips:

  • For a large product catalog: Opt for a template with pre-built product categories, deep search functionality and clear navigation.
  • For a small product catalog: Showcase your entire catalog on the homepage, making it easy for shoppers to find and select products.
  • For single products: Focus on a quick buyer flow, emphasizing a straightforward purchase experience.

When it comes to colors, fonts and other design aspects, familiarize yourself with color marketing to determine what will work best for your brand and store. Ensure your logo and/or shop name is clearly placed on your storefront.

Remember, strong product images and descriptions are essential. Use this opportunity to integrate customer support, cross-selling features and social proof to pave the path to purchase.

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a website

Illustration of a website template (Wix)


2. Create products and product options

Once your design is ready to go, start by adding your products to the store. Whether you’re selling physical items or digital downloads, consider the following:

  • Physical products: These can be sold as one-time purchases or part of a subscription model.
  • Digital products: Offer items like e-books, software or image files.
  • Product options: If your product comes in different sizes, colors or materials, add variants so that customers can choose their preferred option.

Don’t worry if you don’t have all of this figured out yet or if you only have one product to sell right now. You’ll need to start somewhere, and there’s no time like the present.


3. Use categories to organize

If you do have multiple products or plan to add them later, you’ll want to group similar products into categories. This helps organize your catalog and allows customers to browse related items together, in addition to being able to easily search and filter through what they are looking for. In order to do this, follow these steps:

  • Create categories: Set up categories like “Candles,” “Ceramics” or any relevant groupings.
  • Display categories on separate pages: Create the category, add products to it and then use a platform editor to display them. You can also manually create a page linking to all your categories if needed.


4. Optimize product pages (and more)

After deciding which products to sell and categorizing those products, you’ll need to make it easy for your audience to find, read about and see what those products are. Without getting a good description and visual of what they’ll be getting, they’ll be less likely to order from you. So, here’s what you’ll need to optimize those product pages:

  • Product images: Use high-quality images and, if applicable, videos that showcase your items.
  • Descriptions: Add clear and compelling descriptions that highlight benefits. Bonus points if they can be optimized for SEO (more on that later).
  • Cross-selling: Suggest related products that customers can add to their cart to increase sales before they check out.
  • Social proof: Display reviews and testimonials that attest to the quality of your product.

Additionally, you’ll want to add to your site:

  • General information and contact info: Set your email address, location, language and currency. It’s also a good idea to have a contact page and/or phone number and email on your website for additional questions or concerns.
  • Customer support: Include FAQs so that customers can get answers to common questions. Depending on the size of your store, consider adding a live chat so that customers can contact you to discuss an order if need be. If your site grows, you may need to hire a team or ticketing software for this.

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online order

Illustration of order page (Wix)


5. Enter site settings

It’s important to enable site settings to ensure your site functions smoothly. You can do this by entering essential details such as:

  • Roles and permissions: If you have employees or partners, manage their limited access to your site so no one accidentally deletes products or pages from your online store.
  • Privacy policy: Outline how customer data is collected, used, stored and protected. This builds trust with your visitors by reassuring them their personal information is safe and complies with legal requirements.
  • Disclaimer: Provide a clear disclaimer to limit your liability regarding the information on your site. This is especially important for sites that provide advice, sell products or offer services that may have varying results for different users.
  • Security certificate: Obtain and install an SSL certificate to encrypt data transmitted between your site and its visitors. This ensures sensitive information, such as credit card details, is protected, boosting customer confidence and improving your site’s SEO ranking.

Kurt’s best website builders for building your online shop

6. Shipping and delivery options

Having a site to showcase your products is the first step, but you also need to have a way to get those products to your customers in a timely and cost-efficient manner. This is the part that can make or break your customer base, as you’ll need to be able to create expectations for your users.


Now, decide how to get your products to customers:

  • Shipping: Ship products to customers using Wix’s flexible shipping rules.
  • Local delivery: Hand-deliver to customers in your area.
  • Pickup: Allow local customers to collect products from your physical locations.

Kurt’s best website builders for building your online shop

7. Accept online payments

Now, how will your customers pay for those products? Be sure to set up secure payment gateways so that customers can pay seamlessly and with multiple payment options. Many platforms support various payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal and more, and it’s easy to accept those payments directly through your site.

Kurt’s best website builders for building your online shop

website template

Example of website templates (WIX)

8. Optimize for search engines

In addition to making your product pages look snazzy, you’ll also want to take the time to optimize those pages – and other pages on your online shop – for SEO. What this means is that when someone searches for a specific product or type of store on a search engine, your site/product pages will be the ones that come up. People accomplish this by finding relevant search keywords that people are searching for, like “handmade necklaces of fruits” or “organic soaps online ship to Atlanta.”

This may require you to pay for an SEO research tool or hire an SEO specialist to help boost your visibility, ensuring your people can find you. Some platforms have SEO tools that can help you ensure you’re putting in all the keywords correctly, and you can also hire an SEO specialist directly through the site.

Kurt’s best website builders for building your online shop

9. Promote your store

SEO is a way to organically lead customers to your store, but there are other ways to spread the word with outbound marketing. You may have to put a little extra effort into this, but it can help increase your sales and, at the very least, raise awareness about your shop, which people can share with their own networks, thus spreading the word. Try to have an idea of where your audience is, though, before putting all your resources into all of these methods. Sometimes just one is enough!

Social media: Use social media platforms to share product updates, promotions and behind-the-scenes content. You can also insert social icons onto your site to help visitors share products with their network.

Email marketing: Build a subscriber list and send targeted emails. Sometimes the best place to start is by contacting people that you already have in your network, as they may be thrilled at the idea of supporting your store! Email marketing automation, like sending an automated “thank you” email after someone purchases a product from your store, can also be very effective.

Paid advertising: Consider Google Ads or social media ads to give your products and site an extra boost.

Kurt’s best website builders for building your online shop


10. Monitor and improve

Last but not least, running an online shop isn’t much different from running a brick-and-mortar store, especially when it comes to monitoring your store’s performance and checking your inventory. There are many tools available to help you regularly check your store’s performance:

  • Analytics: Use analytics tools to track visitor behavior, conversion rates and popular products. This can help you determine whether you need to add, improve or remove any products on your site that aren’t serving you.
  • Feedback: Listen to customer feedback and make necessary improvements. Encourage visitors to write reviews on products or offer a discount if they submit a testimonial on a product they liked.

When launching a website, you have a variety of choices to suit your specific needs, whether you’re seeking simplicity, customization or advanced features. Explore these top website builders to find the perfect fit for your online presence: Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, Shopify and WordPress. Learn more about these options by clicking here.

Enhance your e-commerce experience

It’s important to have a comprehensive e-commerce solution that allows you to sell everywhere with ease: online, in person and across multiple channels. Look for features like POS systems, a branded mobile app, drop-shipping and more, so you can adapt and scale your business effortlessly.

You want to gain complete control of your business by managing all your inventory, orders and sales from one centralized dashboard. You also want to optimize your site traffic with built-in SEO tools, marketing automations and ad campaigns. The ultimate goal is to ensure a seamless experience for your customers.

Kurt’s best website builders for building your online shop

Kurt’s key takeaways

Launching an online shop might seem overwhelming at first, but with the right tools and guidance, it can be a smooth and rewarding process. A comprehensive platform that simplifies everything from design to payment processing can make it easier for you to focus on what you love: selling your products. Remember, every successful store starts with a single step, so don’t hesitate to dive in and start building your dream shop today.


Now that you’ve learned how to set up your online shop, we’d love to hear from you! What challenges or successes have you experienced in your journey to launch an online store? Let us know by writing us at Cyberguy.com/Contact.

For more of my tech tips and security alerts, subscribe to my free CyberGuy Report Newsletter by heading to Cyberguy.com/Newsletter.

Ask Kurt a question or let us know what stories you’d like us to cover.

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New technology makes it nearly impossible to kill house plants


Remember that “pandemic garden” you started in 2020 that didn’t quite make it? 

Well, you’re not alone in your plant care struggles. In fact, many people unintentionally send their houseplants to the great compost heap in the sky each year. 

But fear not. There’s a new gadget out there that could change the way we care for our plants.


SmartyPants 1

SmartyPlants smart sensor (SmartyPlants)

Meet the plant whisperer you never knew you needed

SmartyPlants is a smart sensor designed specifically for houseplants. It takes the guesswork out of plant care. This clever little device monitors crucial factors such as light, humidity, temperature, soil moisture and nutrients and sends all that vital info straight to an app on your smartphone.

SmartyPlants 2

SmartyPlants smart sensor (SmartyPlants)


No more guessing games when it comes to plant care

Gone are the days of wondering, “Does my ficus need water, or am I just being paranoid?” SmartyPlants provides real-time updates on your plant’s needs. And here’s a fun twist: You can name your plants in the app. So when “Dave needs a drink,” you’ll know exactly which of your green buddies is feeling parched.

SmartyPlants 3

SmartyPlants smart sensor (SmartyPlants)


From serial plant killers to green thumb gurus

The brains behind SmartyPlants know the struggle is real. In fact, the Founder and CEO Ben Beaver’s partner was a self-proclaimed “serial plant killer” who had managed to keep only one hardy cactus alive for six years. Drawing on his background in biology and technology, the CEO realized there had to be a better way. After numerous prototypes and tests, SmartyPlants was born, giving even the most challenged plant parents a fighting chance at nurturing thriving indoor jungles.



Founder and CEO of SmartyPlants Ben Beaver (SmartyPlants)


More than just a water reminder

SmartyPlants is packed with features that go well beyond simple watering reminders. It can assess your space and recommend plants that would thrive in that specific environment. You can set up automatic watering systems over Wi-Fi, perfect for worry-free vacations.

The device uses AI image analysis to monitor your plant’s progress over time and keeps tabs on past issues to prevent future problems. It doesn’t just measure light intensity but looks at the full spectrum to maximize photosynthesis.

SmartyPlants 5

SmartyPlants smart sensor (SmartyPlants)


SmartyPlants quickly became a sensation

Launched on Kickstarter, SmartyPlants quickly became a sensation. Within just four days, the campaign had over 500 backers and raised more than 10 times its initial target. By the middle of the campaign, they had over 1,000 backers, putting them in the top 1% of all Kickstarter projects. They even snagged a coveted “Projects We Love” award from Kickstarter, given to only the top 10% of projects on the platform.

SmartyPlants 6

SmartyPlants app (SmartyPlants)

How can you snag one of these?

You can get your hands on a SmartyPlants sensor by heading over to the SmartyPlants Kickstarter page. For a single sensor, you can grab an early bird discount of approximately $43, 15% off the regular price. If you’re dreaming big, a monster pack of 20 sensors is available for about $605, a whopping 40% discount. Simply back the project and wait for updates on shipping and delivery.


Remember, this is a Kickstarter campaign, so the usual crowdfunding caveats apply. But given the project’s success and the team’s dedication, it looks like a pretty safe bet for plant lovers.

After reading this article about the SmartyPlants gadget, are you now considering a houseplant to add to your home or office? Well, you’re in luck. After evaluating a wide selection of plants and suppliers, I highly recommend a plant subscription service. Services like these offer a variety of beautiful and easy-to-care-for plants delivered right to your door. It’s a perfect way to start or expand your indoor garden, ensuring you always have fresh greenery to brighten your space. For more information and to get started, check out this link.

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SmartyPlants app and smart sensor (SmartyPlants)

Kurt’s key takeaways

Let’s face it, constantly replacing dead plants can get expensive and disheartening. At around $43 for an early-bird Kickstarter deal, SmartyPlants seems like a solid investment if it can keep your green friends alive and thriving. While it can’t protect your plants from curious pets (sorry, Fluffy) or magically turn you into a botanist overnight, SmartyPlants might be the tool you need to achieve that lush, Pinterest-worthy indoor garden you’ve finally been dreaming of.


What’s your most memorable experience with trying to keep plants alive, and how might a device like SmartyPlants have changed that outcome? Let us know by writing us at Cyberguy.com/Contact.

For more of my tech tips and security alerts, subscribe to my free CyberGuy Report Newsletter by heading to Cyberguy.com/Newsletter.

Ask Kurt a question or let us know what stories you’d like us to cover.

Follow Kurt on his social channels:

Answers to the most asked CyberGuy questions:

Copyright 2024 CyberGuy.com. All rights reserved.

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Traveling to Paris? 3 things to do there aside from watching the Olympics


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The opening ceremonies for the 2024 Summer Olympics are imminent and the two-week-long event — from July 26 through Aug. 11 — plus the 11 days of the Paralympic Games afterward, are sure to bring millions of people to the City of Love.

Paris is already one of the most-visited places in the world, so it can seem overwhelming when trying to figure out what to see and do. 

With that in mind, here are three things visitors to Paris can do in between cheering for their favorite athletes as they go for the gold.


1. Sip champagne while enjoying a view of the city

While the Eiffel Tower is a functioning radio and television transmitter, it is more than just that. 

The Eiffel Tower has four “floors,” including the ground floor, that are available for the public to visit. 

The tower is home to four restaurants, including a champagne bar located on the tower’s third floor – more than 900 feet above the ground. 

The Eiffel Tower is home to four restaurants, including a champagne bar. (iStock)

For those who are not afraid of heights, a ticket option that includes a glass of champagne (or soft drinks) and caviar served at the very top of the Eiffel Tower is available for purchase on the Eiffel Tower’s website.

Alternatively, for those who prefer dining at a slightly lower elevation, Le Jules Verne is a two-Michelin-starred restaurant located on the Eiffel Tower’s second floor. 

That’s still 377 feet up in the air.


“The magic of this location 125m up from ground level instantly bewitches diners, who are further captivated by the high-flying cuisine,” the Michelin Guide’s website said. 

Champagne bar at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

The Eiffel Tower’s champagne bar is not for the faint of heart. It is more than 900 feet above Paris.  (Lionel Bonaventure/AFP via Getty Images)

The guide continues, “When booking, ask for one of the tables near the windows, as the view over Paris through the tower’s iron fretwork is nothing short of spectacular.” 

The tower’s “first floor,” which rises 187 feet in the air, is home to Madame Brasserie, a restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner, its website said.


And for anyone looking to work off a meal, the first and second floors of the Eiffel Tower can be reached by stairs or elevator. 

The Eiffel Tower’s website recommends purchasing tickets in advance. 

2. Pay your respects

The largest cemetery in Paris, Père Lachaise Cemetery, is the final resting place for about 70,000 people – including some very well-known individuals.

French novelist Honoré de Balzac, “The Doors” lead singer Jim Morrison, Irish poet Oscar Wilde, Polish composer Frédéric Chopin, and French singer Edith Piaf are among those who are buried at Père Lachaise Cemetery. 

Grave site of Jim Morrison.

Jim Morrison’s grave at Père Lachaise Cemetery has become a place of pilgrimage for fans of the deceased singer. (Andy Soloman/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Guided tours are available as well, its website said. 

Another option is to visit the catacombs, an underground ossuary of millions of bones.

The catacombs were first built in the late 18th century, its website states, in response to “major public health problems tied to the city’s cemeteries.” 


The catacombs themselves were former limestone quarries. 

The bones of the deceased were then moved to the catacombs, under cover of night, to “avoid hostile reactions from the Parisian population and the Church,” the catacombs’ website said. Bones were added periodically until 1860, the website noted. 

One of the catacombs in Paris.

The remains of millions of Parisians were moved from the city’s cemeteries to the catacombs in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The sign here indicates the original cemetery these bones were from and the date they were moved to the catacombs. (Frédéric Soltan/Corbis via Getty Images)

Eventually, the bones were arranged in a somewhat organized pattern, and the site was first opened to the public in 1809, according to the website.

“A register was placed at the end of the circuit, where visitors could write their impressions. It was filled very rapidly because these visits had quickly become a success with both the French and foreigners,” the website said. 

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More than two centuries after its creation, about 500,000 people each year take the trip down to see the catacombs, it said. 

Split image of Sainte-Chapelle, The Kiss, and an ossuary.

Paris offers a wealth of options for visitors to its city. These are three suggestions.  (Getty Images)

Tickets for the one-hour tour, which covers 1.5 kilometers of the catacombs, are available on the catacombs’ website. 

3. Stand in awe 

Paris is the home of some of the most storied works of art and architecture in the world. 

At the Louvre, you can catch a glimpse of the enigmatic smile of “Mona Lisa,” or the “Winged Victory” or “Venus de Milo,” along with thousands of other priceless works of art. 

Crowd around Mona Lisa.

The “Mona Lisa” is one of the most-visited attractions at the Louvre.  (Antoine Boureau/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images)

While Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris remains closed following the devastating 2019 fire, those looking for their stained-glass fix are not out of luck.

A short walk away from Notre Dame is Sainte-Chapelle, commissioned in the 13th century by King Louis IX – the future St. Louis – as a private chapel in his apartments, said the website for Sainte-Chapelle. 


The upper chapel features 1,113 stained-glass scenes, “illustrated like a giant comic book of the Middle Ages” telling the story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, the website said.  

Upper chapel of Sainte-Chapelle in Paris with its stained-glass windows.

The upper chapel of Sainte-Chapelle has thousands of stained-glass images of scenes from the Bible.  (Riccardo Milani/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images)

About two-thirds of the stained-glass windows are from the Middle Ages, according to the website. 

There are works of art to be found outside as well. 


The Jardin des Tuileries, or Tuileries Gardens, is a public park featuring artwork by some of France’s master sculptors, including Auguste Rodin — whose marble sculpture “The Kiss” has been around since 1882.

The Kiss sculpture by Auguste Rodin.

“The Kiss” by Auguste Rodin is one of the sculptures on display at the Tuileries Gardens.  (Steve Christo/Corbis via Getty Images)

The Tuileries Gardens also have a special place in Olympic history as well, its website said. 

The park was host to the épée tournament at the 1900 Olympic Games, and “for the first time three medals of different colors were awarded, thus inspiring the principle of three medals for the top three finishers in an event,” its website said. 

11 tips for adults age 65 and over to ‘live well,’ according to gerontologists


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With the number of Americans over age 65 expected to skyrocket by 47% between 2022 and 2050, there is a growing emphasis on living well — not just long — into the senior years.

Two gerontologists from Home Instead, a national in-home senior care provider owned by Honor Company in San Francisco, shared their top tips for how aging adults can stay healthy and energized.

1. Checkup from the neck up

Lakelyn Eichenberger, PhD, a gerontologist (aging expert) and caregiving advocate based in Omaha, Nebraska, recommends getting a baseline cognitive assessment early on to monitor your cognitive health


“Cognitive exams are included as part of the Medicare wellness visit for those over 65,” she shared with Fox News Digital. 

With the number of Americans over age 65 expected to skyrocket by 47% between 2022 and 2050, there’s a growing emphasis on living well into the senior years. (iStock)

“Even if you have no current concerns about your cognition, having a baseline and normalizing the conversation with your health care provider can open doors if issues arise down the road.”

2. Volunteer and give back

Engaging in volunteer activities can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose, and it can also promote longevity, according to Eichenberger.

“Giving back can lift your mood, knowing you’re making a difference in others’ lives.”

“The connections made through volunteering offer important social outlets and opportunities to form new friendships,” she said. 

“Giving back can lift your mood, knowing you’re making a difference in others’ lives.”

3. Stay social

Jenny Munro, MA, a Nebraska-based gerontologist, emphasized the importance of older adults having an active social life and cultivating quality relationships.

“Make a point of connecting regularly with relatives, friends and neighbors,” she recommended in an email to Fox News Digital.


It can be helpful to maintain social connections with people of different generations, both older and younger, Munro advised.

“Volunteer at a school or community center,” she suggested. “Focus on the relationships and activities that you enjoy the most.”

4. Never stop moving

Adults age 65 and over should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

They should also participate in at least two days of strength-training exercises and balance-improving movements, the agency recommends.

Zumba class

Adults age 65 and over should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity each week, according to the CDC. (iStock)

“You don’t need to go to a gym every day, but you do have to move,” Munro said. “Movement can include going for a walk, gardening and climbing stairs.”

Walking a mile is good for you, she said — and walking fast for a mile is better, as it will raise the heart rate. 

“Movement is essential for vitality,” Munro noted. “If you haven’t been exercising, starting today can significantly protect your brain later. It’s never too late.”

5. Learn and stay curious

“Adopt a learner’s mindset and follow your curiosity,” Eichenberger said. “Mental stimulation is beneficial for brain health and comes in many forms.”

“Be open to new experiences and maintain curiosity about the world, leading to a more engaged and fulfilling life.”

The expert suggests engaging in activities that challenge the brain, such as completing puzzles, reading, learning new skills or playing musical instruments. 

“Be open to new experiences and maintain curiosity about the world, leading to a more engaged and fulfilling life,” she advised.

6. Get proper nutrition

To manage healthy blood pressure and blood sugar levels, Munro recommends eating a high-nutrient diet that’s rich in whole grains, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, berries and fish — and low in red meat, butter and sweets. 

Older couple eating

“When you eat a rainbow of vegetables, you eat a more diverse array of nutrients, many of them brain-friendly antioxidants,” an expert advised. (iStock)

“Eat a wide variety of different colored vegetables,” she said. “When you eat a rainbow of vegetables, you eat a more diverse array of nutrients, many of them brain-friendly antioxidants.”

The expert also recommends preparing meals at home, as this allows more control over the salt, sugar and fat content than buying prepared meals or food from restaurants.  

7. Manage caregiving stressors

Many family members become caregivers for an aging parent or loved one at some point. 

“While caregiving can be rewarding, it can also cause stress and put you at risk of burnout,” Eichenberger told Fox News Digital. 


“Long-term stress hormones like cortisol can negatively affect health.”

Finding ways to effectively manage stress can benefit the aging journey, the doctor said.

“Use resources like home care or respite care to provide breaks from the caregiving role, allowing you to refresh, recharge and tend to your own needs,” she suggested.

8. Prioritize sleep

Losing sleep will have both short- and long-term consequences on your health, according to Munro.

“During slumber, your brain clears away toxic waste that builds up early in the development of Alzheimer’s disease,” she said. 

Senior couple sleeping

To ensure adequate sleep, an expert recommends sticking to a schedule, waking up to early morning light, eliminating electronics before bed, and sleeping in a cool, quiet and dark place. (iStock)

“The body also heals tissues, strengthens memory and even grows during sleep.”

To ensure adequate sleep, Munro recommends sticking to a schedule, waking up to early morning light, eliminating electronics before bed, and sleeping in a cool, quiet and dark place.

9. Cultivate a positive attitude

Fostering a positive outlook on life has been linked to better health outcomes and longevity, according to Eichenberger.

“Embrace aging and lean into the wisdom and experience you’ve gathered over your lifetime,” she advised.

10. Maintain a sense of purpose

“A sense of purpose means that you see life as having meaning, a sense of direction and goals to live for,” Munro said — something she calls “active aging.”


Staying engaged in a job, especially one that’s satisfying, tends to keep people physically active, socially connected and mentally challenged, Munro said, which helps to protect cognition. 

“Embrace aging and lean into the wisdom and experience you’ve gathered over your lifetime.”

“Delay retirement as long as possible. And when you retire, don’t quit on life,” she suggested.

“Find activities that are joyful and stimulating. There’s power to maintaining a sense of purpose by continuing to learn, discover and complete complex tasks.”

11. Plan ahead to age your way

Think about where and how you want to age, Eichenberger advised. 

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“Consider your living environment and how you can make modifications to ensure it’s suitable for aging in place,” she suggested. 

“Also, think about the support you might need to age on your own terms.”

Anti-Israel agitators stage massive protest in Washington, DC, amid Netanyahu's US visit


Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:02:41 -0400

Senator Marco Rubio expressed his disdain with the continued vandalization by Hamas protesters Wednesday night in a video posted to the social media platform X.

“If you’re in the United States on a visa and vandalizing property with phrases like “Hamas is coming,” it’s time for you to go.”

The post comes as a massive group of protesters have gathered to demonstrate against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaking to Congress on Wednesday.

During the video Rubio addresses the foreign nationals who he says are leading the charge as protests continue to pop up across the country.

“What I am saying is common sense, you’re a visitor, you’re not even an American, you’re a foreign national, you’re here because we gave you a Visa to be here temporarily, and now you’re out there, defending and supporting Hamas a terrorist organization. We need you to go. That’s what this resolution asked the administration to do, and I hope we can get a vote in the senate, so at least everyone will know where everybody here stands,” says Rubio.

Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:41:47 -0400

[Video ID]

An unnamed patriot reached into a smoldering heap Wednesday to rescue an American flag from burning at the hands of pro-Hamas agitators.

The man, who wanted to remain anonymous, was able to successfully save a fragment of Old Glory. He told a local journalist who recorded the incident that he is an attorney who works near Union Station in Washington D.C., where the anti-Israel demonstrations happened.

In a video taken by Richie McGinniss and shared via X, the man stoops down into the flames and takes a fragment of the burning flag with his bare hands.

An angry mob rushes after the unnamed man carrying the burned flag, shouting “Get him!” and banging drums.

In the chase, a pro-Hamas agitator can be seen tripping over a skateboard. The anonymous patriot barely escapes through the crowd, running out of Columbus Circle.

In a later video post, McGinniss shares that the unnamed man said, “I grabbed what I could out of the fire and ran.”

“I’m ashamed I didn’t stop and go back and get the rest of it,” the man told McGinniss. 

“Thank you, sir, whoever you are – that was brave and honorable behavior on display,” a user commented on X.

Agitators also burned an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as an Israeli flag.

At least 23 pro-Hamas agitators were arrested Wednesday during the unruly demonstrations outside Union Station. Vandalism included “F— ISREAL” painted onto brick pavement, with Israel misspelled.

The video of the man saving the flag had over 1.1M views on X as of Wednesday evening.

Fox News Digital Jasmine Baehr contributed to this report.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:20:51 -0400

[Video ID]

Anti-Israel protesters raised the Palestinian flag over Washington, D.C.’s Union Square on Wednesday during a chaotic protest in which an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and an American flag were also burned.

The protesters were demonstrating against Netanyahu’s address to Congress.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 21:17:18 -0400

Actress and activist Susan Sarandon addressed a group of anti-Israel protesters on Wednesday, telling them to loud cheers: “We are here today to reject the normalization of genocide.”

The massive group of protesters had gathered to demonstrate against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaking to Congress on Wednesday.

From the stage, the “Thelma & Louise” star told protesters, “I would like all of you to join me in a message to our brothers and sisters in Palestine,” adding in a call and response: “We see you …  We hear you … We will raise your voices. No one is free until everyone is free!”

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:33:49 -0400

[Video ID]

Pro-Hamas agitators were seen tagging a Christopher Columbus statue in Union Square with “Hamas is coming” and burning an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as an American flag.

They were also seen flying a Palestinian flag over Union Station after taking down the American flag.

The agitators were protesting Netanyahu’s address to Congress on Wednesday.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:30:33 -0400

The White House condemned the anti-Israel agitators who descended on Washington, D.C., Wednesday in protest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress. 

“Identifying with evil terrorist organizations like Hamas, burning the American flag, or forcibly removing the American flag and replacing it with another, is disgraceful,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said in a comment to Fox News Digital Wednesday evening.

 “Antisemitism and violence are never acceptable. Period. Every American has the right to peaceful protest. But shamefully, not everyone demonstrated peacefulness today.” 

Read the full story by Emma Colton by clicking here.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 22:37:40 -0400


A total of 23 pro-Hamas agitators have been arrested by different law enforcement agencies as of Wednesday evening.

The United States Park Police (USPP) released a statement announcing that at least eight anti-Israel agitators were arrested on Wednesday afternoon during an unruly protest. At least nine more were arrested by the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) as of 6:00 p.m., and United States Capitol Police (USCP) arrested six more.

The USPP reported that a crowd at Columbus Circle “damaged and destroyed park property, including vandalizing statues and fountains, tearing down and burning flags, and starting several small fires.”

“Following efforts by the United States Park Police to calm the crowd, which continued to ignore law enforcement instructions, the permit for the event was revoked at approximately 3:30 p.m. today and everyone was directed to leave the area,” the press release continued.

Ages of the nine arrested by the MPD, according to a release, range from 15 to 32. Charges included Assault on a Police Officer and Crossing a Police Line.

According to the USPP, National Park Service conservators will begin working on removing red paint from the statues and fountains at Columbus Circle on Thursday morning.

“It may take multiple treatments over several days to remove all of it,” the statement added.

Fox News Digital’s Andrea Vacchiano contributed to this update.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:17:56 -0400

[Tweet URL]

Rep. Roger Williams, a Republican from Texas, tweeted out a message of support for Israel after pro-Hamas agitators caused mayhem in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday.

Williams posted a photo of his office with two signs near his door. One sign read “I Stand With Israel,” and another read “‘Chickens For KFC.'”

“I will always stand with our greatest ally, Israel,” Williams wrote.

The second sign was a reference to a speech Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made before Congress that day, when he brought up protesters’ ignorance about Hamas’ ideology.

“Some of these protesters hold up signs proclaiming gays for Gaza. They might as well hold up signs saying ‘Chickens for KFC.’ These protesters chant ‘From the river to the sea.’ But many don’t have a clue what river and what sea they’re talking about,” Netanyahu said.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 20:59:34 -0400

[Video ID]

An anti-Israel protester holding a Hamas flag at a demonstration in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday at first told Fox News Digital that she had “no message” for reporter Griff Jenkins before adding “Free Palestine. That’s my message.”

When asked if she supports Hamas, she said “I support the resistance.” 

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 19:50:35 -0400

[Video ID]

A Jewish man, who expressed offense at the phrase “Hamas is coming” after he saw it tagged on a Christopher Columbus statue outside of Union Station that was vandalized on Wednesday, was harassed and followed.

The man told the demonstrators he was offended by their language, causing some of them to start shouting at him and calling him Hitler. It wasn’t clear if they had been the ones to write “Hamas is coming” on the statue.

“Do you support terrorists?” he asked the agitators who were already following him down the street.

“Don’t worry, we’ll find you. We know who you are,” one agitator could be heard saying.

“He’s a nicely dressed White gentleman,” a woman agitator was heard screaming.

As they chanted “Free, free Palestine” the Jewish man interjected “from Hamas!”

Calling the man a “p—-,” one of the agitators accused him of “killing children” in Gaza.

“Enough!” the man said to the agitator, adding “We don’t back down from you and we don’t back down from f—— terrorists!”

The situation quickly escalated into a screaming match with the man and one of the agitators in each other’s faces.

Finally, the man and a woman who had joined him were let inside a locked building by a security guard with the agitators trying to follow.

One of the protesters told Fox News that they decided to harass him because he was a “White gentleman. We were asking his position on Gaza.”

One of the protesters told Fox News that the man had provoked them by calling them “terrorist scum” and said that the “art on the memorial was disgusting,” referring to the vandalism.

He added, “He didn’t want to stop, and I don’t stop.”

The woman then turned on the Fox News reporter, rhetorically asking if Palestinians have the right to defend themselves, adding that asking if they support Hamas is a “red herring.”

She added that people who don’t agree with them want to accuse them of being “terrorists because we’re supporting the people of Gaza.”

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 19:33:49 -0400


Rep. Brian Mast called out the anti-Israel agitators who burned American flags on Wednesday in a scathing post on X.

Mast, a Republican from Florida, wrote that he “fought and bled for the American Flag,” in an emotional post.

“My friends lost their lives in battle for the American Flag,” he wrote. “And when they came home, the American Flag was draped over their caskets.

Mast also linked the protests to Vice President Kamala Harris, who is the presumptive presidential nominee of the Democratic Party.

“Yet, the people Kamala Harris is courting burn the American Flag,” the post continued. “Shame on them.”

During a press briefing on Wednesday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that Harris has been “unwavering” in her support of Israel.

“Let me just first say that the vice president has been unwavering in her commitment to the security of Israel,” Jean-Pierre told reporters. “As you know, she’s been a partner with this president for the past four years, not just domestic issues, but obviously also foreign policy issues.”

Harris did not attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress on Wednesday. Instead, she spoke at a sorority event in Indianapolis.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 19:12:38 -0400


The United States Park Police (USPP) announced that it is seeking information about the anti-Israel protesters who assaulted officers and damaged property in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday afternoon.

“We’re seeking information to help identify members of the crowd who assaulted officers or damaged property,” the USPP said in a statement. According to the agency, protesters started small fires and burned flags at Columbus Circle, which is outside Union Station.

The USPP asks anyone with information to contact their tip line at 202-379-4877 or e-mail USPP_tipline@nps.gov.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:55:12 -0400

[Article URL]

Pro-Hamas agitators descended on the nation’s capital Wednesday when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress.

The agitators vandalized statues outside Union Station at Columbus Circle as well as burned American and Israeli flags.

One piece of vandalism read “F— ISREAL,” with Israel misspelled.

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:18:36 -0400


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tore into Gaza cease-fire demonstrations across the U.S. and accused Iran of funding those protests during an impassioned address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday.

“I have a message for these protesters. When the tyrants of Tehran, who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair, are praising, promoting and funding you, you have officially become Iran’s useful idiots,” Netanyahu said.

“Some of these protesters hold up signs proclaiming gays for Gaza. They might as well hold up signs saying ‘Chickens for KFC.’ These protesters chant ‘From the river to the sea.’ But many don’t have a clue what river and what sea they’re talking about.”

Read the full article about Netanyahu by Julia Johnson and Liz Elkind

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:18:05 -0400


Anti-Israel agitators are reportedly behind the release of larvae in a famous D.C. hotel to protest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trip to the nation’s capital.

Netanyahu traveled to D.C. to meet with lawmakers and deliver a joint session address to Congress on Wednesday. Anti-Israel agitators have gathered throughout the capital to protest his trip, targeting the Watergate Hotel where he is reportedly staying during the visit.

A video filmed within the hotel shows maggots and crickets released in various common spaces, with one shot showing a table full of mealworms while the Israeli and American flags stood in the background.

“Palestine protestors manufactured chaos at the Watergate Hotel last night so that Netanyahu, Israeli Mossad agents, and the Secret Service had no peace as they continue to terrorize our people,” the Palestinian Youth Movement’s DMV chapter posted on their social media, alongside the video.

Read the full article about the Watergate Hotel by Aubrie Spady

Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:34:34 -0400


Anti-Israel demonstrators descended on Washington, D.C., on Wednesday as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress in a scene that quickly turned chaotic. 

At least one demonstrator, whose face was covered, was spotted by Fox News carrying what appeared to be the flag of the terrorist group Hamas while others were heard shouting “allahu Akbar.”

At Union Station, agitators burned an American flag and vandalized a statue with the words “Hamas is coming.” They also took down American flags and flew the Palestinian flag instead. 

The U.S. Capitol Police later advised that “No flags under our protection have been removed or vandalized. Our officers will enforce the law if anyone attempts to remove a flag in USCP jurisdiction. To clear up inaccurate reporting.”

Read the full article about anti-Israel protests by Danielle Wallace and Brie Stimson

Doctors react to Biden’s live address to nation, concerned about ‘lack of emotion’


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After President Joe Biden’s address to the nation Wednesday night, multiple doctors shared their opinions with Fox News Digital about his perceived health status based on his live speech.

Seated in the Oval Office, the president spoke relatively briefly about his withdrawal from the 2024 race and his commitment to continuing to serve the country for the next few months. 

He did not mention his recent COVID-19 infection, ongoing concerns about his cognitive health, or the recent assassination attempt on the life of former President Donald Trump.


Dr. Marc Siegel, clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center and a Fox News medical contributor — who has never treated the president — noted that Biden seemed to be reading from a teleprompter on Wednesday night, as he often does, making it difficult for those watching to gauge his medical fitness.

Although Biden stumbled over his words a few times, Siegel was more concerned about the president’s apparent “lack of emotion.”

President Joe Biden addresses the nation from the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, July 24, 2024, about his decision to drop his Democratic presidential reelection bid.  (Getty Images)

“It is a very emotional time for him and he isn’t showing it,” the doctor told Fox News Digital after the speech. “He seems to lack conviction.”


Siegel expressed concern that Biden “could be depressed and shocked by the current reality.”

“I feel compassion for him,” Siegel went on. “How can he quote from the Declaration [of Independence] without much conviction? I feel bad for him and for us.”

“It is a very emotional time for him and he isn’t showing it.”

Dr. Robert Lufkin, a California-based physician and medical school professor at UCLA and USC, also weighed in on Biden.

Lufkin noted that he has never examined Biden, but offered his observations based on Wednesday’s speech and recent media events.


In previous appearances, Biden has shown signs of “cognitive deterioration,” the doctor told Fox News Digital.

“The findings in his previous presentations could have a variety of causes, including sleep deprivation, sedation, metabolic abnormalities or even neurodegenerative diseases.”

Doctors react Biden

From left to right, Dr. Earnest Lee Murray; Dr. Marc Siegel; and Dr. Robert Lufkin offered observations about the president’s Wednesday night speech. (Dr. Earnest Lee Murray; Dr. Marc Siegel; Dr. Robert Lufkin)

Tonight’s short presentation appeared to be read from a teleprompter, Lufkin agreed — “which is less demanding than the more spontaneous Q&A debate format of some of his previous events.”

In previous appearances, such as the June 27 debate, Biden has shown “confused rambling, sudden loss of train of thought in the middle of a sentence, halting speech, and the repeated use of the word ‘anyway’ when lost in a sentence,” Lufkin noted.


“Tonight, we did not see these in his presentation,” he said. “His delivery was fairly uniform without interruptions.”

The fact that these findings were less apparent tonight could be due to the speech format of the presentation and use of a teleprompter, according to Lufkin.

President Joe Biden addresses the nation from the Oval Office

Biden addressed the nation from the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, July 24, 2024. “That format is much less challenging and less likely to uncover pathology than a more rigorous Q&A exchange or debate format,” a doctor told Fox News Digital. (Evan Vucci, Pool via AP)

“That format is much less challenging and less likely to uncover pathology than a more rigorous Q&A exchange or debate format,” he went on.


He said he hoped that “continued interactions with Mr. Biden in various presentation formats will allow us to understand his situation in more detail.”

Biden arrival

“I suspect the stress of trying to run for office and be president was leading to even worse daily cognitive performance,” said a neurologist on Wednesday night after watching Biden’s speech. Above, the president on Wednesday after returning to public view after nearly a week of seclusion due to COVID.  (Getty Images)

Dr. Earnest Lee Murray, a board-certified neurologist at Jackson-Madison County General Hospital in Jackson, Tennessee, said the speech from the Oval Office was “clearly better” for Biden than the debate, but also noted that the president struggled at times with reading the teleprompter. 

Murray has not treated or examined Biden.

“Reading simple passages do become difficult in patients with dementia,” he told Fox News Digital, expressing a professional opinion in general about such cases. 

“I suspect the stress of trying to run for office and be president was leading to even worse daily cognitive performance.”

“Patients with a dementing process have significant difficulties with multitasking,” said Murray, again speaking generally.

“President Biden seemed more rested and relaxed tonight,” Murray said. 

“I suspect the stress of trying to run for office and be president was leading to even worse daily cognitive performance,” he also said. 

For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews/health

In response to earlier outreach from Fox News Digital, the White House press office stated that “health was not a factor” in the president’s decision to withdraw from the 2024 race. 

“He looks forward to finishing his term and delivering more historic results for the American people,” the White House said in its statement. 

Doctors back Biden dropping out of race, plus health issues in past presidents


DOCTORS’ APPROVAL – Two doctors explain why President Biden’s decision to back out of the 2024 election may have been best for his health. Continue reading…

VIRAL CONCERNS – As President Biden makes his first public appearance since contracting COVID-19, concerns about his health persist. Continue reading…

MEDICAL HISTORY – Before Joe Biden, these 5 past presidents battled health issues ahead of re-election. Continue reading…

U.S. Presidents woodrow wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and teddy roosevelt

(left to right) U.S. Presidents Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt all endured health complications while in office or running for re-election. (Getty Images)

DEADLY BACTERIA – A listeria infection linked to deli meats has killed two people and affected 28 across the U.S., the CDC warns. Continue reading…

DEMENTIA DISCOVERY – Mayo Clinic has identified a new type of memory loss that’s often mistaken for Alzheimer’s. Doctors break down the findings. Continue reading…

‘STAY BEAUTIFUL’ – A new study from the University of Vermont found that Taylor Swift has had a mostly positive impact on body image and diet culture. Experts weigh in. Continue reading…

Taylor Swift body image

Researchers share with Fox News Digital how the Taylor Swift’s music and experience with disordered eating have had a “profound impact.” (Getty Images; iStock)

REST ON THE ROAD – Sleep and travel don’t always mix. Experts share 7 tips on getting restful sleep during the summer vacation season. Continue reading…

TRAIL TRAGEDY – Another heat-related hiking death spotlights the need for safety protocols. Experts share 9 things to know before hitting the trail. Continue reading…

ASK A DOCTOR – “Is it safe to swim underwater with your eyes open?” Ophthalmologist Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler has the answer. Continue reading…

Swimming underwater

It may be tempting to open your eyes underwater, but experts warn that prolonged exposure could put your vision at risk. (iStock)








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Seniors more likely to miss doctors’ appointments in extreme heat or cold, study finds


Whether it’s the dog days of summer or a cold snap in the dead of winter, extreme temperatures tend to bring people’s activities to a halt — including doctors’ appointments. 

Seniors in particular are more likely to skip their scheduled medical visits if it’s too hot or too cold, according to a study from the American Journal of Preventative Medicine.

On days that are 90 degrees or hotter, for every 1 degree increase in temperature, the rate of missed appointments rises by 0.64%, as reported by researchers at the Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


The rate of missed appointments is even higher on cold days, going up by 0.72% for every 1-degree decrease below 39 degrees.

“The key finding is that people are less likely to keep their doctors’ appointments when it is extremely hot or extremely cold,” said senior author Nathalie S. May, M.D., a professor at Drexel University College of Medicine, in a statement to Fox News Digital.

Seniors are more likely to skip their scheduled medical visits if it’s too hot or too cold outside, according to a new study from the American Journal of Preventative Medicine. (iStock)

In the study, the researchers analyzed more than one million appointments involving 91,560 adult patients from Jan. 2009 through Dec. 2019.


The appointments were all made at 13 university outpatient clinics in Philadelphia, according to a university press release.

The appointment data was compared to temperature and precipitation records from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Senior couple telehealth

Based on the findings, the researchers are calling for telemedicine to become a permanent covered mode of health care delivery. (iStock)

Lakelyn Eichenberger, PhD, a gerontologist and caregiver advocate at Home Instead, an Honor Company in Omaha, Nebraska, said she was not surprised by the study findings.

“For many older adults, going to a doctor’s appointment takes considerable effort, especially for those with mobility issues, chronic conditions, complex medical needs or cognitive impairment,” Eichenberger, who was not involved in the research, told Fox News Digital via email.

“When you add extreme or inclement weather, it presents even more challenges. For some, it might seem easier to skip the appointment altogether to avoid the risks that extreme conditions could pose.”


Shana Johnson, a physician in Scottsdale, Arizona, who teaches at the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Phoenix, also commented on the findings.

“Individuals with heart and lung conditions, including heart failure, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, have a hard time tolerating extreme heat,” said Johnson, who was also not involved in the study.

“The heat may exacerbate their symptoms, making breathing as well as dizziness and falls more likely.”

“For many older adults, going to a doctor’s appointment takes considerable effort.”

In her own practice, Johnson has seen many patients who had disabilities or difficulty walking.

“Transportation to the visit and walking safely were greatly affected by the weather,” she said.

“Cold temperatures, which often come with heavy rain or snow, make surfaces slippery, increasing the risk of falls and injuries.”

If the weather is poor, cancellations and no-shows tend to increase, she noted. 

4 ways to prevent skipped appointments

“It is critical that we have alternative methods for the delivery of primary care during various scenarios,” Adrienne Willard, M.D., associate professor of medicine at the Drexel University College of Medicine, told Fox News Digital.  

Senior man at doctor

Experts recommend scheduling appointments during times when the weather is typically more favorable. (iStock)

Experts offered the following tips to ensure that seniors make it to essential appointments despite challenging weather conditions.

1. Plan ahead to ensure safety

Schedule appointments during times when the weather is typically more favorable, Eichenberger suggested. 

“For example, avoid early morning appointments in winter when sidewalks might be icy, and avoid mid-afternoon appointments during the hottest part of the day,” she advised. 


“Monitor weather forecasts and reschedule appointments if extreme weather is expected — it’s better to err on the side of caution.” 

Allow plenty of time to get ready and travel safely to your destination, Eichenberger said. 

Senior drinking water

“Be prepared for weather-related delays or breakdowns during travel by carrying water to stay hydrated and snacks to avoid hunger and lightheadedness,” an expert advised. (iStock)

“Dress in layers during cold weather and wear appropriate footwear to prevent slips and falls,” she said. 

“In hot weather, opt for light, breathable clothing and use sun protection, such as hats and sunscreen.”

2. Consider telehealth appointments when possible

Based on the findings, the researchers are calling for telemedicine to become a permanent, covered mode of health care delivery — as it was during the COVID pandemic.

Previous studies have shown that the availability of telemedicine reduces the chances of missed appointments by 13%, they noted.

“If the opportunity to choose an [insurance] plan that provides coverage for telemedicine presents itself, it may be a preferred option,” Willard told Fox News Digital.


Johnson agreed that telemedicine is the “most practical and immediate solution,” particularly for individuals with chronic conditions who are well-known to their providers.

“Telemedicine increases access to care providers and extends the reach of specialists to rural areas,” she said. “Telemedicine across state lines would extend that reach further.”

3. Find reliable transportation

For patients who still drive, ensure the car is serviced regularly to avoid car trouble, Eichenberger recommended. 

If the patient no longer drives, it’s important to arrange for reliable transportation options. 


“Telemedicine increases access to care providers and extends the reach of specialists to rural areas,” a doctor said. (iStock)

“This could include asking family members or friends for help — or using home care services, ride-sharing services or senior transportation programs.”

For those using public transportation, Eichenberger stressed the need to seek shelter while waiting for the bus to avoid being out in the weather.

4. Have the essentials on hand

“Be prepared for weather-related delays or breakdowns during travel by carrying water to stay hydrated and snacks to avoid hunger and lightheadedness,” Eichenberger said. 


If traveling by car, she recommends keeping an emergency kit with essentials such as water, snacks, blankets and a first-aid kit — as well as any necessary medications that need to be taken throughout the day.

Potential limitations

The researchers acknowledged some limitations of the study — particularly that it relies on limited data sets.

“We acknowledge that the data collected on maximum daily temperatures from one central location may not capture urban heat island effects throughout the city,” Drexel College of Medicine clinical associate professor Janet H. Fitzpatrick, M.D., one of the lead authors of the study, told Fox News Digital via email. 

“It is critical that we have alternative methods for the delivery of primary care during various scenarios.”

“In addition, patients with multiple medical problems impacted the ability to explore how individual diseases affect the associations between extreme weather and missed appointments.”

For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews/health

Other research has pointed to additional factors — such as the day of the week, previous no-shows and the use of automated reminders — as impacting the rate of attendance, according to a university press release.

The researchers recommend considering the availability of transportation in future studies assessing missed appointments.

Dengue surges in UAE after record-breaking rainfall leaves ideal conditions for mosquitoes


  • Dengue has spiked worldwide. The World Health Organization declared it an emergency in December as cases have globally increased tenfold over the last generation.
  • The United Arab Emirates have issued many warnings about dengue. Mosquitoes spread dengue and have flourished in the UAE after it experienced record-setting rainfall.
  • While the UAE did not answer questions regarding the number of cases, activists say that laborers are being hit the hardest by the virus.

Since the United Arab Emirates witnessed its heaviest recorded rainfall ever three months ago, the desert nation has issued a multitude of warnings about dengue which, activists say, has surged and struck hardest among the vast populations of laborers.

The tropical disease, spread by mosquitoes, has witnessed a worldwide spike. The World Health Organization declared it an emergency in December as cases have globally increased tenfold over the last generation.

Many people infected by the virus are asymptomatic, but some experience headaches, fever and flu-like symptoms. Severe cases can lead to serious bleeding, shock and death.


In the UAE, a federation of seven sheikhdoms, the disease has usually spread due to travel on long-haul carriers into the country. However, on April 25, the Department of Health alerted that locally transmitted cases without travel history have been documented since 2023 “as a result of climate change and an environment conducive to mosquito breeding.”

Changes in weather patterns turn countries previously inhospitable to Dengue-carrying mosquitoes into possible habitats.

The April deluges, which flooded portions of major highways and Dubai’s international airport, only amplified the risk in the Gulf country. While major thoroughfares quickly saw vacuum pumps arrive, others remained saddled for weeks with stagnant pools of water, where virus-carrying mosquitoes lay their eggs and spread the disease.

An abandoned vehicle stands in floodwater covering a major road in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on April 18, 2024, after heavy thunderstorms. (AP Photo/Christopher Pike, File)

No official figures have been shared in the Emirates where broad laws severely restrict freedom of speech and almost all major local media are either state-owned or state-affiliated outlets. Queries sent to various governmental organizations about the exact number of confirmed dengue cases went unanswered.

The WHO also declined to discuss the situation in the UAE when reached by The Associated Press. However, the U.N. health agency noted in its May 30 report that there have been continued dengue outbreaks in Mideast “countries with stronger health-care systems that have been affected by unusual rains due to climate change.” It also said: “Timely data sharing also remains a challenge for other countries in the region for reasons such as the potential impact in the tourism, economy and other sectors.”

Meanwhile, public awareness campaigns across the sheikdom on the importance of cleaning stagnant water and warnings about dengue, also known as breakbone fever, have been widely aired on state media.

Still, activists stressed that communities of laborers are bearing the brunt of the disease.

The slow cleanup of flooded areas in industrial sites has worsened the spread of the disease among laborers, some of whom have left their home countries already affected by climate change for a chance to earn money in the UAE, according to a report issued by FairSquare, a London-based group focused on labor rights in the Gulf Arab states.

The July 4 report detailed a surge in dengue cases among migrant worker communities across the Emirates, citing three healthcare workers, a government official, and migrant workers. The group attributed the rise in cases to a lagging government response to the spread of the viral infection in areas where migrant laborers live and work.

James Lynch, a FairSquare co-director once banned from entering the UAE while at Amnesty International, told the AP that “the important thing here is the disproportionate impact” of how the virus seems to mainly spread among laborers. “What you would want to see is an even-handed approach to dealing with clean up and it doesn’t seem to be the case here.”

No specific figures were shared in the report which quoted a nurse, who works at a private clinic in the city of Sharjah, as saying they receive over 30 cases every four or five days, describing the rise in cases as “alarming.”

The UAE’s overall population of more than 9.2 million is only 10% Emirati, with millions of low-paid workers from Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

“I call it a double whammy of climate change on this very vulnerable population,” said Barrak Alahmad, a research fellow at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “I see that these migrant workers are on the front line facing the effects of climate change and health.”

The effect of the virus also resonated in Iran.

The Islamic Republic relies on Dubai as a major transit point to the rest of the world due to the international sanctions it faces over its nuclear program and tensions with the West.

On July 9, Shahnam Arshi, an Iranian health ministry official, said of 149 people infected with dengue, 130 had been infected in the UAE while Hossein Farshidi, deputy health minister, said the first known infected person entered Iran on May 15, after the flooding in the Emirates.

Farshidi, in his latest remarks on July 23, said the number of infected people in the country, rose to 152, without giving further details.


This year, Iran also reported its first locally transmitted cases of dengue, saying the number rose to 12 in July, all of them located in the Bandar Lengeh port, south of Iran.

Earlier this year, Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro declared a public health emergency because of mosquito-borne dengue fever, while in July, U.S. officials warned doctors to stay on alert as the tropical disease broke international records.

“Each year, we are going to see new places and different local governments struggling with either dengue or other issues from climate change,” said Alahmad, the research fellow. “It is an ever-expanding issue. I don’t know if we have an easy fix to this.”

Fox News AI Newsletter: Waymo’s robotaxi launches citywide in San Francisco


Welcome to Fox News’ Artificial Intelligence newsletter with the latest AI technology advancements.


– Robots take the wheel as San Francisco opens streets to driverless taxis

– FTC probes AI-powered ‘surveillance pricing’ at Mastercard, JPMorgan Chase, McKinsey and others

– US Air Force’s XQ-67A drone thinks, flies, acts on its own

driverless taxi 1

Waymo autonomous vehicle  (Waymo)

DRIVERLESS TAXIS ARRIVE: The future of urban transportation is here, and it’s taking the form of sleek, autonomous vehicles traveling through city streets. Across the United States, self-driving car companies are racing to revolutionize how we move, promising safer roads, reduced traffic and a new era of mobility. But it’s in San Francisco that this future is suddenly now a reality for thousands.

‘SHADOWY ECOSYSTEM’: The Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday announced that it launched a probe of eight companies that offer “surveillance pricing” tools that use artificial intelligence and other technology to analyze consumer data to help set price targets for products and services.

air force drone 1

US Air Force’s XQ-67A drone (AFRL)

AI IN THE SKY: The U.S. Air Force has just unveiled a new aircraft that’s turning heads and raising eyebrows across the globe.

ACCIDENT AVOIDANCE: Developed by Maine-based entrepreneur Josh Fox, Survue is an innovative device that looks to address the limitations of existing bicycle radar systems. While conventional systems primarily focus on the speed of approaching vehicles, Survue takes a more holistic approach by considering multiple factors to assess potential risks.

AI bicycle safety device could warn of dangerous car collision

AI-based bicycle safety device (Survue) (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

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