Recent Peer-Reviewed Clinical Study Confirms That The Gupta Program Is Potentially Life-Changing For Long Covid Sufferers & Other Chronic Conditions


The results of the study bring newfound hope to people with Long Covid: the Gupta Program led to a significant decrease in fatigue and increase in energy levels among participants after just three months. The Gupta Program was four times more effective at reducing fatigue and twice as effective at increasing energy compared to the control treatment.

London, United Kingdom, July 21, 2023, The Covid-19 Pandemic was life-changing for millions of people worldwide. Besides the economic devastation, may people are left with what is now labeled as “Long Covid”. A landmark peer-reviewed independent clinical study published in a medical journal called “Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine” has provided hope for millions of people who have “Long Covid” and other chronic conditions.

In a 3-month randomized controlled clinical trial, the Gupta Program was compared to a Wellness program, which as a control group, focused on changes to diet, nutrition, exercise and sleep. The Gupta Program led to a significant decrease in fatigue and increase in energy levels among participants after just three months. The Gupta Program was four times more effective at reducing fatigue and twice as effective at increasing energy compared to the control treatment.

Gupta Program Brain Retraining is a neuroplasticity brain retraining program, based upon the premise that Long Covid is caused by abnormalities in the brain. Following a Covid-19 infection, for a small percentage of patients, the brain may go into a hyper-defense mode, and continue to trigger the immune system and nervous system well after the infection has gone. This then causes on-going chronic inflammation which causes the symptoms of Long Covid. The Gupta Program attempts to reverse the hypothesized conditioning in the brain and return the body back to balance.

The program had previously shown significant positive results in randomized clinical studies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia, The program is now available as an app on iOS and Android to facilitate easy access to the treatment for patients and doctors alike.

The founder, Ashok Gupta, is now looking to raise funds for larger clinical trials to replicate this promising initial results.

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Marisa Spano