ZEKOND Launches New Application & Instantly Disrupts The Social Media Sector


ZEKOND is a Social Media Platform that embraces their values and ideas. The app is designed to connect with friends, family, communities, and businesses, in an exciting, safe, and inspiring environment.

Miami, Florida, January 8, 2024 – It appears to many that Social Media has gone haywire. Users have been posting a wide range of content that is sometimes harmful, misleading and downright provocative. Self-censorship by these social media platforms have made it very obvious which side of the political spectrum they favor. Users are sick and tired of all of this manipulation.

ZEKOND has the solution for out-of-control social media. ZEKOND is a new social media network for Friends, Families, and business-minded people who have been seeking a clean version of a Social Media application while also being a venue for businesses and entrepreneurs to promote and advertise their businesses and ideas.

During a recent interview, a company spokesperson made these comments, “Our mission is to provide a place where people can share their experiences, journeys in life, accomplishments, happiness, and faith. A place to voice, express, and be heard. A safe place to communicate without censorship for current or past events and a safe place for democracy.”

ZEKOND provides at no cost to users:  

  • Livestreaming.
  • Internal Messaging System.
  • Internal live calls.
  • Digital Wallet.
  • Internal Donation Portal on the App.
  • ZEKOND app is available in Android, Apple, Amazon, and Windows.
  • ZEKOND is AVAILABLE in over 125 countries around the world, and in over 25 different languages.

They have included all the features needed to stay in touch with all friends, acquaintances and family.

  • Home/News Feed: Displays Posts, Photos, Files, Videos, and Maps posted by friends/followed people, also story filters, follow/friends suggestions, and user activities list.
  • User Profile: Displays users’ profile with Posts, Photos, Videos posted and shared by user.
  • Pages: Users can create unlimited pages and invite friends to like the pages.
  • Groups: Users can create unlimited groups and invite/add friends to join the groups.
  • Social Video Support: Users can easily share videos from the biggest video sharing websites like YouTube.
  • Photo Album: Users can create unlimited photo albums with nice looking styles.
  • Cover Picture: Selection of Dynamic Covers for users.
  • User Privacy: Users control who can message them, post on their profile, follow them, confirms follow requests or not, last seen, etc.
  • User Profile Info: Displays user’s profile information: birthday, website, gender, social media, about, last seen, etc.
  • Notifications: Receive notification from users: likes, dislikes, comments, shares, etc.
  • #Hashtags: Displays trending and related topics shared by users.
  • @Mentions: Use @username to tag people in a status or messages.
  • Post Publisher: Status, Sound cloud, YouTube, Vine, Google Maps, Videos, Files, Photos and emoticons.
  • Delete & Edit Posts: Users can delete and edit their own posts.
  • Save Posts: Users can save posts to view them later.
  • User Events: Users can share their events like feelings / traveling / watching / playing / listening.
  • Recent Search: Whatever the user was looking for, all will be saved into recent searches with the ability to clear them.
  • Post Privacy: Users can choose the post privacy. Only me, Everyone, etc.
  • Likes: Like or unlike a post. View list of people who liked it.
  • Dislikes: Dislike a post. View list of people who disliked it.
  • Comments & Replies: Comment on a post, Reply to a comment, View all post comments.
  • Search: Search for people, #Hashtags with the filtered search system.
  • Reports: Report posts to be checked by administrators.
  • Live Chat: Real-time live chat system, online or offline status.
  • Messages: Send and receive private messages & share files from other Users.


ZEKOND was founded by the entrepreneur and visionary, Tonny Roberts. The idea came as the need for freedom and a better place for business without toxicity and new ways for business-minded people to connect. A placed where faith-based communities feel welcome.

For complete information, visit: https://zekond.com/

Media Contact:

Attn: Media Relations
Miami, FL

ZEKOND Launches New Application & Instantly Disrupts The Social Media Sector 2